M3.1.B2 M87 2011
Musicalisches Opfer : für 2 Violinen, Viola, 2 Violoncelli, Violone, Orgel, Querflöte und Fagott = Musical offering (musical sacrifice) : for 2 violins, viola, 2 cellos, violone, organ, flute and bassoon = Offrande musicale (Sacrifice musicale) : pour 2 violons, alto, 2 violoncelles, violone, orgue, flute et basson : BWV 1079 / |
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M3.1.B2 R4
371 harmonized chorales and 69 chorale melodies with figured bass / |
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M3.1.B2 S82 1988
Complete suites for unaccompanied cello ; and, Sonatas for viola da gamba : from the Bach-Gesellschaft edition / |
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M3.1.B2 V6 1999
Die grossen Vokalwerke = The great vocal works / |
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M3.1.B2 V63 2007
Sämtliche Kantaten, Motetten, Choräle und Geistliche Lieder = Complete cantatas, motets, chorals and sacred songs / |
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M3.1.B24 L58 1999
Livre contenant des pièces de différents genre d'orgue et de clavecin, par le Sr Balbastre, organiste de la cathédrale de Dijon, 1749 : fac-similé du manuscrit musical 264 de la Bibliotheque municipale de Versailles / |
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M3.1.B28 I3 2007
Zambra En el Albayzín : Intermedio de La suerte ; Seis cancones. |
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M3.1.B35 M3 1995
María Sabina |
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M3.1.B37 A22 2008
Adagio for strings Violin concerto ; Knoxville: Summer 1915 / |
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The wooden prince Sz. 60. Dance suite, Sz. 77 / |
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M3.1.B43 K4 2006
Premier livre de pièces de clavecin, oeuvre I : Deux magnificats : (Journal d'orgue no. 3) ; Quatre hymnes : (Journal d'orgue no. 7) ; Trois hymnes : (Journal d'orgue no. 12) / |
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M3.1.B44 P53 1994
Piano concerto no. 6 ; Choral fantasy ; Rondo in B flat / |
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M3.1.B47 I7 2003
Mélodies irlandaises : les sources : Editions Schlesinger (1830) et Richault (1849) ; versions avec orchestre (1842, 1843, 1844, 1851) ; Hélène, manuscrit autographe / |
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M3.1.B47 Q4 B5, 1994
The queen of Golconda overture ; Piano concerto in D ; Festival of the Bayadères ; Violin concerto in C sharp minor, op. 2 ; Serious & joyful fancies / |
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M3.1 B473D8
Lennox Berkeley |
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M3.1 .B56
Sisyphos Chamber concerto ; Facettes ; Trio / |
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M3.1.B67 V64 1992
The sacred music of Gilles Binchois / |
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M3.1.B676 C36 2008
Cantate e duetti : Londra 1721 / |
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M3.1 .B68
Songs for one, tvvo & three voices to the thorovv-bass with some short symphonies / |
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M3.1 .B68 1679
Songs for one, two, & three voyces to the thorow-bass |
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