Call Number (LC) Title Results
M7.D69 P5 Livre d'orgue. 1
M7.D83 O39 2005 L'oeuvre d'Orgue = Complete organ works = Sämtliche Orgelwerke / 1
M7.D86 O7 L'Orgue Parisien sous le règne de Louis XIV, 1650-1715 : 25 pièces = The Paris organ during the reign of Louis XIV, 1650-1715 / 1
M7.D86 P5 Les plus belles pages des Archives des maîtres de l'orgue / 1
M7.D88 D6 2002 Three preludes and fugues and other works for organ / 1
M7 .D88 op.18 Fifteen pieces for organ founded on antiphons (Vêpres du cummun) op. 18. 1
M7.D88 op.28 1932 Seventy-nine chorales, for the organ : op. 28 : preparatory to the study of the Bach chorale-preludes and based on the melodies of old chorales used by J. S. Bach / 1
M7.D88 op.28 1960z Seventy-nine chorales for the organ : preparatory to the study of the Bach Chorale-preludes and based on the melodies of old chorales used by J.S. Bach, opus 28 / 1
M7.D94 D6 2002 Three preludes and fugues and other works for organ / 1
M7 .D97 S69 1954 Six contemplations : improvisations on familiar hymns : for organ / 1
M7 .E37 Early Spanish organ music / 1
M7 .E382 1970 Easy modern organ music. six pieces / 1
M7 .E48 1983 Eighteenth-century pieces for manuals / 1
M7 .E54 1965 Élévations. 1
M7.E65 L36 1988 English organ music : an anthology from four centuries, in ten volumes / 1
M7.E88 J6 1995 José Jesús Estrada / 1
M7 .F27 An organ recital by Lynnwood Farnam 1
M7.F395 C3 1997 Opere per organo / 1
M7.F44 H37 1998 L'œuvre pour harmonium : en deux volumes / 1
M7.F46 A6 Andantino pastorale / 1