Call Number (LC) Title Results
MF-543 Map of overdip slopes that can affect landsliding in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania / 1
MF-544 Preliminary geologic map of the Croton 1 SW quadrangle, Campbell County, Wyoming 1
MF-545 Preliminary geologic map of the Townsend Spring quadrangle, Campbell County, Wyoming 1
MF-546 Preliminary geologic map and section of the Hawley Mountain Quadrangle, Custer, Butte, and Lemhi counties, Idaho / 1
MF-547 Reconnaissance geologic map of the Owl Canyon quadrangle, Pueblo County, Colorado / 1
MF-548 Reconnaissance geologic map of the Wetmore quadrangle, Custer and Pueblo Counties, Colorado / 1
MF-549 Maps showing faults and ruptures of the Van Norman Reservoirs area northern San Fernando Valley, California with a vertical section showing stratigraphy of the surficial deposits at the proposed damsite / 1
MF-550 Isopleth map of landslide deposits, southern San Francisco Bay region : California / 1
MF-552 Preliminary geologic map of the area of the Carlin and Blue Star gold deposits, Eureka County, Nevada / 1
MF-553-A Contour map of the bedrock surface, Clinton quadrangle, Connecticut / 1
MF-553-B Map showing drainage areas, Clinton quadrangle, Connecticut / 1
MF-553-C Map showing depth to bedrock, Clinton quadrangle, Connecticut / 1
MF-554-A Contour map of the bedrock surface, Wallingford quadrangle, Connecticut / 1
MF-556 Geologic map of the Mount Lincoln 15-minute quadrangle, Eagle, Lake, Park, and Summit Counties, Colorado / 1
MF-557-B Map showing drainage areas, New Haven-Woodmont quadrangles, Connecticut / 1
MF-557-C Map showing depth to bedrock, New Haven-Woodmont quadrangles, Connecticut / 1
MF-558-A Contour map of the bedrock surface, Old Lyme quadrangle, Connecticut / 1
MF-558-B Map showing depth to bedrock, Old Lyme quadrangle, Connecticut / 1
MF-558-C Map showing drainage areas, Old Lyme quadrangle, Connecticut / 1
MF-559 Preliminary geologic map of the Blue Basin quadrangle, Elko County, Nevada / 1