Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML111 .I48 Guide for dating early published music : a manual of bibliographical practices / 1
ML111 .I5 Code international de catalogage de la musique. 1
ML111.I64 M8 Selected bibliography [of] music education materials. / 1
ML111 .J65 1991 ISBD (PM) : international standard bibliographic description for printed music / 1
ML111 .J66 Music librarianship / 1
ML111 .K65 1994 Knowing the score : preserving collections of music / 1
ML111 .K67 2008 Uniform titles for music / 1
ML111 .L4 Organizing the instrumental music library. 1
ML111 .L520 1952a Music subject headings used on printed catalog cards of the Library of Congress. 1
ML111.L63 B74 Printed music in the British Museum : an account of the collections, the catalogues, and their formation up to 1920 / 1
ML111 .L65 Musicians and libraries in the United Kingdom / 1
ML111 .L67 2022 Stories and lessons from the world's leading opera, orchestra librarians, and music archivists. 2
ML111 .M15 Music libraries: their organisation and contents : with a bibliography of music and musical literature / 1
ML111 .M45 2002 Music classification systems / 1
ML111 .M65 1989 Modern music librarianship : essays in honor of Ruth Watanabe / 1
ML111.M7 L51 The library-museum of music and dance : a study of needs and resources, leading to suggestions for an educational program / 1
ML111 .M73 2012 Money for the asking : fundraising in music libraries / 1
ML111 .M754 1992 The music information explosion and its implications for college teachers and students / 1
ML111 .M755 Music librarianship and documentation : report of the 1970 Adelaide Seminar / 1
ML111 .M756 2000 Music librarianship at the turn of the century / 1