Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML128.E8 P67 2011eb Ethnomusicology : a research and information guide / 1
ML128.E8 S4 1992 Ethnomusicology research : a select annotated bibliography / 1
ML128.E9 N49 2005eb New York / 1
ML128.F5 S5 Film guide for music educators. 1
ML128.F5 S5 1968 Film guide for music educators / 1
ML128.F7 B6 1988 Flute music by women composers : an annotated catalog / 1
ML128.F7 C47 1995 Guidelist of unaccompanied flute music by Canadian composers / 1
ML128.F7 G7 1992 Die Flötenkonzerte bis 1850 : ein thematisches Verzeichnis / 1
ML128.F7 H3 Musik für Flöte : Gesamtverzeichnis / 1
ML128.F7 H68 1987 A descriptive catalogue of recorder music / 1
ML128.F7 M2 Italian baroque solo sonatas for the recorder and the flute / 1
ML128.F7 M44 Catalogue of books and literary material relating to the flute and other musical instruments / 1
ML128.F7 N3 1979, Suppl National Flute Association Music Library catalog : supplement. 1
ML128.F7 N37 1979 Music Library catalog / 1
ML128.F7 P4 1978 A handbook of literature for the flute : compilation of graded method materials, solos, and ensemble music for flutes / 2
ML128.F7 P5 1982 Flûte littérature : catalogue général des œuvres éditées et inédites par formations instrumentales : general catalog of published and unpublished works by instrumental category / 1
ML128.F7 P83 1992 Führer durch die Flöten-literatur : grosser Katalog enthaltend über 7500 Nummern / 1
ML128.F7 P83 1992 Suppl Ergänzungsband zum Führer durch die Flöten-Literatur : Grosser Katalog über 7500 Werke enthaltend : Neuerscheinungen von 1898-1912 / 1
ML128.F7 V46 1985 Flute music of the 18th century : an annotated bibliography / 1
ML128.F7 W5 The index of flute music : including the index of baroque trio sonatas / 1