Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML136.L65 C65 1992 Catalogue des imprimés musicaux anciens du Conservatoire royal de musique de Liège / 1
ML136.L67 B8 1995 A monastic breviary of Austrian provenance : Linz, Bundesstaatliche Studienbibliothek 290 (183) : printouts from an index in machine-readable form : a CANTUS index / 1
ML136.L68 P3 Catálogo de música manuscrita / 1
ML136.L6852 M77 Catalog of the Lititz Congregation collection / 1
ML136.L7 M83 Catalogue of the Music Library. 1
ML136.L8 B62 The catalogue of printed music in the British Library to 1980 / 1
ML136.L8 B625 1994 Italian music manuscripts in the British Library. Parts one, two, three and four : a listing and guide of the research publications collection / 1
ML136.L8 B64 1983 A wealth of music in the collections of the British Library (Reference Division) and the British Museum / 1
ML136.L8 B68 1987 [The music collection of the British Library, London] 1
ML136.L8 B715 BBC Music Library catalogues / 1
ML136.L8 B72 Catalogue of manuscript music in the British museum / 1
ML136.L8 B72 1968 Catalogue of printed music published between 1487 and 1800 now in the British museum / 1
ML136.L8 B737 Books in the Hirsch Library : with supplementary list of music. 1
ML136.L8 B74 Music in the Hirsch Library. 1
ML136.L8 B75 1999 Catalogue of the music manuscripts / 1
ML136.L8 L5 1985 Lincoln Cathedral Library music collection 17th-19th centuries 1
ML136.L8 R6 1931 Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of the Royal College of Music 1
ML136.L8 R745 1987 Music in the Royal Society of London, 1660-1806 / 1
ML136.L84 A7 1986 Arnold Schoenberg Institute archives preliminary catalog / 1
ML136.L842 U657 1980 Catalog of the Clarence V. Mader archive, Music Library, University of California at Los Angeles / 1