ML1380 .C66 1999
Musica e tecnologia domani : Convegno internazionale sulla musica elettroacustica : Teatro alla Scala, 20-21 novembre 1999 / |
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ML1380 .C66 2008
Computer music modeling and retrieval genesis of meaning in sound and music ; 5th international symposium, CMMR 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 19-23, 2008 ; revised papers / |
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ML1380 .C66 2011
Exploring music contents 7th International Symposium, CMMR 2010, Málaga, Spain, June 21-24, 2010, revised papers / |
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ML1380 .C76 2018
Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Sound and Music Technology (CSMT) : revised selected papers / |
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ML1380 .C87 1989
Current directions in computer music research / |
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ML1380 .D45 2010
Listening through the noise : the aesthetics of experimental electronic music / |
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ML1380 .D470 1992
Music, mind and machine : studies in computer music, music cognition and artificial intelligence / |
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ML1380 .D488 1993
Electroacoustic music : the first century / |
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ML1380 .E36 2002
Electroacoustic music : analytical perspectives / |
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ML1380 .E4
Electronic musician. |
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ML1380 .E45 A78 2013
The Art and technique of electroacoustic music / |
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ML1380 .E46 2007
Living electronic music / |
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ML1380.E46 2007 ML1380
Living Electronic Music. |
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ML1380 .E46 2007eb
Living electronic music |
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ML1380 .E96 2016
Expanding the horizon of electroacoustic music analysis / |
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ML1380 .E96 2016eb
Expanding the horizon of electroacoustic music analysis / |
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ML1380 .E97 2014
Musiques électroacoustiques : analyses, écoutes : actes de la session "Listening to electroacoustic music through analysis", organisée par Nicolas Marty et la SFAM pour le congrès EuroMAC 2014, Leuven, Université de Leuven, 17-20 septembre 2014 / |
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ML1380 .H533 2019
Hidden alliances = Versteckt verbunden / |
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ML1380 .H56 2006
Women composers and music technology in the United States : crossing the line / |
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ML1380 .H62 1988
Computer literacy for musicians / |
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