Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML172 .S9 1983 Studies in the performance of late mediaeval music / 1
ML172.T37 2009 Music from the earliest notations to the sixteenth century / 2
ML172 .T58 Music through the Renaissance / 1
ML172 .U68 2013 Music and performance in the later Middle Ages
Music and performance in the later Middle Ages /
ML172 .U77 2021 Sound and sense in Franco-Flemish music of the Renaissance : sharps, flats, and the problem of 'musica ficta' / 1
ML172 .V34 1941a Études sur le quinzième siècle musical / 1
ML172 .V78 2011 The cultural context of medieval music / 1
ML172 .V8 1989 The harp and the soul : essays in medieval music / 1
ML172 .W44 2005 The crisis of music in early modern Europe, 1470-1530 / 1
ML172 .W44 2005eb The crisis of music in early modern Europe, 1470-1530 / 1
ML172.W488 O4 1993 The oldest extant part music and the origin of western polyphony / 1
ML172 .W58 Music in the age of Chaucer / 2
ML172 .W58 1995 Music in the age of Chaucer / 1
ML172 .W6 1990 Music of the Middle Ages : style and structure / 1
ML172 .Y42 2008b Yearbook of the Alamire Foundation. 1
ML174 Hexachords in late-renaissance music
From modes to keys in early modern music theory /
Beating time and measuring music in the early modern era /
Where sight meets sound : the poetics of late-medieval music writing /
ML174 .A46 The theory of hexachords, solmization, and the modal system : a practical application / 1
ML174 .A77 2009 Ars antiqua : organum, conductus, motet / 1
ML174.A8 T4 Théorie et pratique du tactus : transcription et exécution de la musique antérieure aux environs de 1650 / 1
ML174 .A83 2013