Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML1720 .K45 2004 First nights at the opera / 2
ML1720 .K73 Die grossen Opernbühnen Europas / 1
ML1720 .M44 1987 The masks of Orpheus : seven stages in the story of European music / 1
ML1720 .O54 2017 Opera : passion, power and politics / 1
ML1720 .O64 2010 Opera after 1900 / 1
ML1720 .O64 2017eb Opera after 1900 / 1
ML1720 .P47 2020 Performing arts in changing societies : opera, dance, and theatre in European and Nordic countries around 1800 / 1
ML1720 .R6 1985 Opera & ideas : from Mozart to Strauss / 1
ML1720 .S458 2020 Performing Arts in Changing Societies : Opera, Dance, and Theatre in European and Nordic Countries Around 1800. 1
ML1720 .T36 1996 Opera and the culture of fascism / 1
ML1720 .Z53 1991 Opera! : the guide to Western Europe's great houses / 2
ML1720 .Z87 Zur Lage der Musiktheater in Europa / 1
ML1720.1 .A78 2010 Art and ideology in European opera : essays in honour of Julian Rushton / 1
ML1720.1 .A78 2010eb Art and ideology in European opera : essays in honour of Julian Rushton / 2
ML1720.1 .C66 1997 Il teatro musicale italiano nel Sacro Romano Impero nei secoli XVII e XVIII : atti del VII Convegno internazionale sulla musica italiana nei secoli XVII-XVIII, Loveno di Menaggio (Como), 15-17 luglio 1997 / 1
ML1720.2 Studies in seventeenth-century opera / 1
ML1720.2 .S78 2010 Studies in seventeenth-century opera / 1
ML1720.3 .B83 2008 Magic flutes & enchanted forests : the supernatural in eighteenth-century musical theater / 1
ML1720.3 .B83 2008eb Magic flutes & enchanted forests : the supernatural in eighteenth-century musical theater / 1
ML1720.3 .E88 2010 Essays on opera, 1750-1800 / 1