ML1720.3 .E88 2016eb
Essays on opera, 1750-1800 / |
1 |
ML1720.3 .F47 2011
La festa teatrale nel Settecento : dalla corte di Vienna alle corti d'Italia : atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Reggia Venaria, 13-14 novembre 2009 / |
1 |
ML1720.3 .O64 1995
Opera and the Enlightenment / |
1 |
ML1720.3 .O65 2010
Opera remade, 1700-1750 / |
1 |
ML1720.3 .W65 2016eb
The singing Turk : Ottoman power and operatic emotions on the European stage from the siege of Vienna to the age of Napoleon / |
2 |
National traditions in nineteenth-century opera. |
1 |
ML1720.4 .B675 2019
Shakespeare in 19th-century opera / |
1 |
ML1720.4 .J33 2005
Opera semiseria : Gattungskonvergenz und Kulturtransfer im Musiktheater / |
1 |
ML1720.4 .S63 2004
Mimomania : music and gesture in nineteenth-century opera / |
1 |
ML1720.4 .S63 2004eb
Mimomania : music and gesture in nineteenth-century opera / |
3 |
ML1720.4 .S65 2000
Ballet and opera in the age of Giselle / |
1 |
ML1720.5 .N38 2019
New music theatre in Europe : transformations between 1955-1975 / |
2 |
ML1720.5 .S8
Oper in dieser Zeit / |
1 |
The Italian Opera Singers in Mozart's Vienna. |
2 |
ML1723.8.G7 G4
Gedenkschrift zur Eröffnung des Stadttheaters in Graz am 16. September 1899. |
1 |
ML1723.8.V6 B37 2021
The operetta empire : music theater in early twentieth-century Vienna / |
2 |
ML1723.8.V6 B76 1991
Gluck and the French theatre in Vienna / |
2 |
ML1723.8.V6 C65 2000
Antonio Salieri (1750-1825) e il teatro musicale a Vienna : convenzioni, innovazioni, contaminazioni stilistiche / |
1 |
ML1723.8.V6 H86 1999
The culture of opera buffa in Mozart's Vienna : a poetics of entertainment / |
1 |
ML1723.8.V6H86 1999
The Culture of Opera Buffa in Mozart's Vienna : a Poetics of Entertainment. |
2 |