Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
ML189.F3 H5 | A history of Arabian music to the XIIIth century / | 1 |
ML189.F3 K37 2015 | Henry George Farmer and the First International Congress of Arab Music (Cairo 1932) / | 1 |
ML189.F3 K37 2015eb | Henry George Farmer and the First International Congress of Arab Music (Cairo 1932) / | 1 |
ML189.F3 S6 1939 | The sources of Arabian music : a bibliography of Arabic mss. which deal with the theory, practice, and history of Arabian music / | 1 |
ML189 .G65 2020 | Höfische Musikkultur im klassischen Islam : Ibn Faḍlallāh al-'Umarī (gest. 749/1349) über die dichterische und musikalische Kunst der Sängersklavinnen / | 1 |
ML189 .M87 2019 | Musical and socio-cultural anecdotes from Kitāb al-aghānī al-kabīr : annotated translations and commentaries / | 1 |
ML189 .P47 | Die Theorien zum arabischen Einfluss auf die europäische Musik des Mittelalters / | 1 |
ML189.R4 H4 1975 | Historia de la música árabe medieval y su influencia en la Española / | 1 |
ML189 .S48 1995 | Philosophies of music in medieval Islam / | 1 |
ML189 .S49 | Deux textes arabes inédits sur la musique / | 1 |
ML189 .S5 1993 | The dimension of music in Islamic and Jewish culture / | 1 |
ML189 .S52 2007 | Music and its virtues in Islamic and Judaic writings / | 1 |
ML189 .T685 1968 | Der Maqam Bayati im arabischen Taqsim. | 1 |
ML189 .W74 | The modal system of Arab and Persian music, A.D. 1250-1300 / | 1 |
ML190 |
Song, landscape, and identity in medieval northern France : toward an environmental history / The motet in the late middle ages / |
2 |
ML190 .B47 1987 | Musica ficta : theories of accidental inflections in vocal polyphony from Marchetto da Padova to Gioseffo Zarlino / | 1 |
ML190 .C25 2022 | Devotional refrains in medieval Latin song / | 2 |
ML190 .C33 | Music in the medieval and Renaissance universities. | 1 |
ML190 .C75 2018 | A critical companion to medieval motets / | 1 |
ML190 .C75 2018eb | A critical companion to medieval motets / | 1 |