Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML189 .S52 2007 Music and its virtues in Islamic and Judaic writings / 1
ML189 .T685 1968 Der Maqam Bayati im arabischen Taqsim. 1
ML189 .W74 The modal system of Arab and Persian music, A.D. 1250-1300 / 1
ML190 Song, landscape, and identity in medieval northern France : toward an environmental history /
The motet in the late middle ages /
Your match would be here.
ML190 .B47 1987 Musica ficta : theories of accidental inflections in vocal polyphony from Marchetto da Padova to Gioseffo Zarlino / 1
ML190 .C25 2022 Devotional refrains in medieval Latin song / 2
ML190 .C33 Music in the medieval and Renaissance universities. 1
ML190 .C75 2018 A critical companion to medieval motets / 1
ML190 .C75 2018eb A critical companion to medieval motets / 1
ML190 .D85 Die Staatsmotette 1480-1555. 1
ML190 .F34 The Notre Dame conductus : a study of the repertory / 1
ML190 .L43 2007 Sung birds : music, nature, and poetry in the later Middle Ages / 1
ML190 .M83 Pythagoras musicus : zur Rezeption der pythagoreischen Musiktheorie als quadrivialer Wissenschaft im lateinischen Mittelalter / 1
ML190 .R53 2022 Saint Cecilia in the Renaissance : the emergence of a musical icon / 1
ML190 .R53 2022 BX4700.C5 Saint Cecilia in the Renaissance : the emergence of a musical Icon / 1
ML190 .S28 1995 Cross, sword, and lyre : sacred music at the imperial court of Ferdinand II of Habsburg (1619-1637) / 1
ML190 .S73 1988 Der musikalische Satz der Notre Dame-Conductus / 1
ML190 .S96 2000 Lateinische Conductus-Texte des Mittelalters = Medieval Latin conductus texts / 1
ML190 .T65 1993 Music in renaissance magic : toward a historiography of others / 1
ML193 The creative process in music from Mozart to Kurtág /
The Routledge research companion to modernism in music /
Studies on a global history of music : a Balzan musicology project /
Interpreting Music.
La música en el barroco
Listen again : a new history of music /