Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
ML240.2 .C3613 2005 | The Royal Chapel in the time of the Habsburgs : music and ceremony in early modern European court / | 1 |
ML240.2 .D57 2010 | The dissemination of music in seventeenth-century Europe : celebrating the Düben collection : proceedings from the international conference at Uppsala University 2006 / | 1 |
ML240.2 .F47 2012 | Music and ceremony at the court of Charles V : the Capilla Flamenca and the art of political promotion / | 1 |
ML240.2 .F47 2012eb | Music and ceremony at the court of Charles V : the Capilla Flamenca and the art of political promotion / | 1 |
ML240.2 .M8 | Acta scientifica congressus. | 1 |
ML240.2 .M87 1997 | Music in Renaissance cities and courts : studies in honor of Lewis Lockwood / | 1 |
ML240.2 .S87 1993 | The rise of European music, 1380-1500 / | 1 |
ML240.2 eBook | Música y cultura urbana en la edad moderna / | 1 |
ML240.3 |
Music in the Galant Style. Musikgeschichten Amateure und Hofmusiker - Edinburgh und Hannover. |
2 |
ML240.3 .C6713 2015 | The dukes of Arenberg and music in the eighteenth century : the story of a music collection / | 1 |
ML240.3 .G54 2007 | Music in the galant style / | 1 |
ML240.3 .H43 2003 | Music in European capitals : the galant style, 1720-1780 / | 1 |
ML240.3 .M68 2018 | Moving scenes : the circulation of music and theatre in Europe, 1700-1815 / | 1 |
ML240.3 .M8613 1994 | Music & culture in eighteenth-century Europe : a source book / | 1 |
ML240.3 .M88 1981 | Musica, teatro, nazione dall'Emilia all'Europa nel Settecento : dodicesimo incontro con la musica italiana e polacca. | 1 |
ML240.3 .M88 1982 | Musica, teatro, nazione dall'Emilia all'Europa nel Settecento : dodicesimo incontro con la musica italiana e polacca. | 1 |
ML240.3 .W55 2020 |
The musical discourse of servitude : authority, autonomy, and the work-concept in Fux, Bach and Handel / The musical discourse of servitude : authority, autonomy, and the work-concept in the music of Fux, Bach, and Handel / |
2 |
ML240.4 | Early romantic masters 1 / | 1 |
ML240.4 .C46 2009 | Music and manners in France and Germany : a series of travelling sketches of art and society / | 1 |
ML240.4 .C5 1984 | Music and manners in France and Germany / | 1 |