Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML2537 .S64 Russka︠i︡a sovetska︠i︡a pesn︠i︡a. 1
ML2551.I5 Ways of voice : vocal striving and moral contestation in North India and beyond / 1
ML2551.I5 R35 2012 Musicking bodies : gesture and voice in Hindustani music / 1
ML2551.I5 R35 2012eb Musicking bodies : gesture and voice in Hindustani music / 1
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ML2600 .R63 1972b The madrigal. 1
ML2600 .R63 1990 The madrigal / 1
ML2602.B65 C4 Chansonvormen op het einde van de XVde eeuw ; een studie naar aanleiding van Petrucci's "Harmonice musices odhecaton" ... / 1
ML2602 .M32 1988 Il madrigale tra Cinque e Seicento / 1
ML2627.2 Materialities : books, readers, and the chanson in sixteenth-century Europe / 1
ML2627.2 .H86 1997 Allegorical play in the Old French motet : the sacred and the profane in thirteenth-century polyphony / 1
ML2627.7.B9 K45 1990 Burgundian court song in the time of Binchois : the anonymous chansons of El Escorial, MS V.III.24 / 1
ML2629 .D85 1989 German secular polyphonic song in printed editions, 1570-1630 : Italian influences on the poetry and music / 1
ML2629.R4 H4 Die Heidelberger Liedmeister des 16. Jahrhunderts / 1
ML2629 .R63 Das Quodlibet in Deutschland / 1
ML2629 .Z5 Von den Madrigalen. : Mit einer Einleitung und Anmerkungen / 1
ML2631 .B25 Sketches of the English glee composers. : Historical, biographical and critical, (from about 1735-1866) / 1
ML2631 .B28 1977 English glee and madrigal writers / 1
ML2631 .F45 The English madrigal / 1
ML2631 .F46 The English madrigal composers / 1
ML2631 .F46 1948 The English madrigal composers. 1