Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML2951.C64 H75 2009 A history of Chinese Christian hymnody : from its missionary origins to contemporary indigenous productions / 1
ML2951.E25 W53 2010 For the living and the dead : the funerary laments of upper Egypt, ancient and modern / 1
ML2951.K455 .K53 2013 Music in Kenyan Christianity : Logooli Religious Song /
Music in Kenyan Christianity Logooli Religious Song /
ML2951.K6 S66 2008 Confucian ritual music of Korea : tribute to Confucius and royal ancestors / 1
ML2951.P6 B76 1989 Polish seventeenth-century church music : with reference to the influence of historical, political, and social conditions / 1
ML2951.T3 B38 2003 Performing religion : negotiating past and present in Kwaya music of Tanzania / 1
ML2951.Z56 S56 2002 Singing culture : a study of Gospel music in Zimbabwe / 1
ML2999 .J68 Black sacred music : a journal of theomusicology. 1
ML2999 .J68 vol. 4 no. 1 Unsung hymns by Black and unknown bards / 1
ML2999 .J68 vol. 5 no. 2 The R. Nathaniel Dett reader : essays on black sacred music / 1
ML2999 .J68 vol. 9 Stars in de elements : a study of Negro folk music / 1
ML2999 .J68 vol. 9 1995 Stars in de elements : a study of Negro folk music / 1
ML3000 .A65 History of church music : by David P. Appleby. 1
ML3000 .A74 1994 Ars et musica in liturgia : essays presented to Casper Honders on his seventieth birthday / 1
ML3000 .C47 2021eb Christian sacred music in the Americas / 1
ML3000 .D3 Church music, illusion and reality. 1
ML3000 .D65 1902a Music in the history of the Western church : with an introd. on religious music among primitive and ancient peoples. 1
ML3000 .D65 1913 Music in the history of the western church : with an introduction on religious music among primitive and ancient peoples / 1
ML3000 .E96 2017 Exploring Christian song / 1
ML3000.F32 D4 Das deutsche Kirchenlied im Ausland / 1