ML3001 .P67 2017eb
Contemporary worship music and everyday musical lives / |
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ML3001 .P674 2020
Ecologies of resonance in Christian musicking / |
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ML3001 .S394 1995
A theology of music for worship derived from the Book of Revelation / |
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ML3001 .S4
A Serious answer to a late book stiled, A reply to Mr. Robert Steed's epistle concerning singing wherein the chief scriptures and arguments are examined, and the weakness thereof shewed : together with an answer to the several reflections, and false charges, against both churches and persons, recommended to the elders, ministers, and members of baptized churches. |
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ML3001 .S68 2011eb
The sounds of our offerings : achieving excellence in church music / |
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ML3001 .T86
The instrumental ensemble in the church. |
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ML3001 .T87 2013
Music as prayer : the theology and practice of church music / |
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ML3001 .T87 2013eb
Music as prayer : the theology and practice of church music / |
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ML3001 .W48 1691
A sober reply to Mr Robert Steed's epistle concerning singing. Wherein all his objections against that way he calls the common and popular way of singing psalms, &c. are impartially examined, and in the spirit of meekness, fully answered. Recommended to the consideration of all the saints and churches of Christ, by divers elders and ministers of baptized congregations. Who desire their brethren who are against such singing, without prejudice to read these lines, and consider them. |
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ML3001 .W5 1988
The church musician / |
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ML3001 .W5 1997
The church musician / |
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ML3002 .B63
Wesen und Eigenschaften der katholischen Kirchenmusik : im Anschlusse an d. Verordnungen d. Kölner Provinzial-Concils vom Jahre 1860 (Pars II, Tit. II, cap XX, p. 121) : nebst e. Anh. "Zur Geschichte der Singschulen" : Festgabe z. 1300jährigen Jubiläum d. Thronbesteigung d. h. Gregor d. Grossen, 3. Sept. 1890 / |
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ML3002 .C66 1993
Musica e partecipazione alla liturgia : atti del XXVI Congresso nazionale di musica sacra. |
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ML3002 .F312
Geschichte der katholischen Kirchenmusik / |
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ML3002 .F32 1961
The history of Catholic Church music / |
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ML3002 .F68 2010
Benedict XVI and beauty in sacred music : proceedings of the Third Fota International Liturgical conference, 2010 / |
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ML3002 .G17
La musique d'église : études historiques, esthétiques et pratiques / |
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ML3002 .G3 1774a
De cantu et musica sacra a prima ecclesiae aetate usque ad praesens tempus / |
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ML3002 .H43
Papal legislation on sacred music, 95 A.D. to 1977 A.D. / |
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ML3002 .L57 2017
Listening to early modern Catholicism : perspectives from musicology / |
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