Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
ML3002.M774 2014 | Music as Cultural Mission : Explorations of Jesuit Practices in Italy and North America. | 1 |
ML3002 .P23 2012 | Papsttum und Kirchenmusik vom Mittelalter bis zu Benedikt XVI. : Positionen, Entwicklungen, Kontexte / | 1 |
ML3002 .R46 2010 | Renewal and resistance : Catholic church music from the 1850s to Vatican II / | 1 |
ML3002 .R7 | Christian music. | 1 |
ML3002 .S54 1990 | Divini cultus studium : studies in the theology of worship and of its music / | 1 |
ML3002 .S93 2012 | Sacred treasure : understanding Catholic liturgical music / | 1 |
ML3002 .W548 2012 | Majestas Mariae : Studien zu marianischen Choralordinarien des 16. Jahrhunderts / | 1 |
ML3003 |
The temple, the church fathers, and early Western chant / The style of Palestrina and the dissonance |
2 |
ML3003 .A53 2014 | St. Anne in Renaissance music : devotion and politics / | 1 |
ML3003 .A53 2014eb | St. Anne in Renaissance music : devotion and politics / | 1 |
ML3003 .C69 2019 | The cyclic mass : anglo-continental exchange in the fifteenth century / | 2 |
ML3003 .F6 1999 | Medieval music as medieval exegesis / | 1 |
ML3003 .F65 1996 | Foundations of Christian music : the music of pre-Constantinian Christianity / | 1 |
ML3003 .G343 | Voices and instruments in Christian worship : principles, laws, applications / | 1 |
ML3003 .G55 2006 | Music in the Cluniac ecclesia : a pilot project / | 1 |
ML3003 .G63 | Die mehrstimmigen liturgischen Lesungen / | 1 |
ML3003.H34 H57 2018 | Historia Sancti Hylarii Episcopi Pictaviensis (circa 816-930) / | 1 |
ML3003 .H84 2014 | The Becket offices : paradigms for liturgical research / | 1 |
ML3003 .J362 | The style of Palestrina and the dissonance / | 1 |
ML3003 .J362 1946 | The style of Palestrina and the dissonance / | 1 |