Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML3033.8.T87 S83 2017 Subsidia musicologica : studi in onore di Alberto Basso per il suo 85° compleanno / 1
ML3033.8.V3 R67 2017 La Cappella Giulia 1513-2013 : cinque secoli di musica sacra in San Pietro / 1
ML3033.8.V45 O94 1998 Per la gloria di Dio : solistische Kirchenmusik an den venezianischen Ospedali im 18. Jahrhundert / 1
ML3036.8.Z9 H383 2007 Singen fur die Seligkeit : Studien zu einer Liedersammlung der Devotio moderna : Zwolle, Historisch Centrum, Overijssel, coll. Emmanuelshuizen, cat. VI. mit Edition und Faksimile / 1
ML3042 .S47 2006 The sequences of Nidaros : a Nordic repertory & its European context / 1
ML3047 .K74 2004 The church music of fifteenth-century Spain / 1
ML3047 .N44 1996 Medieval liturgical music of Zamora / 1
ML3047 .S83 Spanish cathedral music in the Golden Age. 1
ML3047 .S8318 1993 La música en las catedrales espãnolas del Siglo de Oro / 1
ML3047.1 .C34 2011 Cathedral, city and cloister : essays on manuscripts, music and art in old and new worlds / 1
ML3047.2.A67 M37 2018 Mapping processions : four sixteenth-century Spanish music manuscripts in Sydney / 1
ML3047.2 .B76 Antiphons, responsories, and other chants of the Mozarabic rite. 1
ML3047.2 .C37 2020 Hearing faith : music as theology in the Spanish empire / 1
ML3047.8.B37 M39 2023 Women in convent spaces and the music networks of early modern Barcelona / 1
ML3047.8.S26 N66 1998 Music and musicians in the Escorial liturgy under the Habsburgs, 1563-1700 / 1
ML3047.8.T6 R486 1996 La polyphonie tolédane et son milieu des premiers témoinages aux environs de 1600 / 1
ML3049.V6 M3 Die Messe in der Schweiz im 17. Jahrhundert. 1
ML3051.A37 K56 2008 Music in the life of the African church / 1
ML3051.A37 K56 2008eb Music in the life of the African church / 1
ML3051.B65 T6 1986 Kirchenlieder der bosnischen Katholiken / 1