Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML3075 .B14 1962 Das katholische deutsche Kirchenlied in seinen Singweisen. 1
ML3080.C32 T7 The Winchester troper, from mss. of the Xth and XIth centuries : with other documents illustrating the history of tropes in England and France / 1
ML3080 .C80 Prosules de la messe / 1
ML3080 .C87 The early medieval sequence / 1
ML3080 .D45 1996 Visions of liturgy and music for a new century / 2
ML3080 .D52 1991 A tradition of three tropes / 1
ML3080 .D58 2000 The Divine Office in the Latin Middle Ages : methodology and source studies, regional developments, hagiography : written in honor of Professor Ruth Steiner / 1
ML3080 E936 1970eb The early trope repertory of Saint Martial de Limoges / 1
ML3080 .G18 Musique et liturgie. : Le graduel et l'antiphonaire romains; histoire et description / 1
ML3080 .H67 2013 Music and meaning in old Hispanic lenten chants : psalmi, threni and the Easter vigil canticles / 1
ML3080 .O8 Beiheft Untersuchungen zum Antiphonale Monasteriense / 1
ML3080 .O8 seicheft Untersuchungen zum Antiphonale Monasteriense / 1
ML3080 .P62 1977 The repertory of tropes at Winchester / 1
ML3080 .R45 1997 Die mehrstimmigen Lamentationen von ihren Anfängen bis ca. 1550 / 1
ML3080 .T76 1975 Tropes du propre de la messe. 1
ML3082 Chant and its origins /
Chant and Notation in South Italy and Rome before 1300.
Music, liturgy, and confraternity devotions in Paris and Tournai, 1300-1550
The Aquitanian Kyrie repertory of the tenth and eleventh centuries /
Oral and written transmission in chant /
Embellishing the liturgy : tropes and polyphony /
Music, liturgy, and confraternity devotions in Paris and Tournai, 1300-1550 /
ML3082 .A2 Éléments romans et allemands dans le chant grégorien et la chanson populaire en Danemark / 1
ML3082 .A3213 2006 An introduction to the interpretation of Gregorian chant / 1
ML3082 .A3314 Le chant grégorien. : Mot et neume. 1
ML3082 .A64 Gregorian chant. 1