Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML3088 .C43 2003 Dies irae : a guide to requiem music / 1
ML3088 .C87 Musical sources of the old-Roman mass : an inventory of MS Rome, St. Cecilia Gradual 1071; MS Rome, Vaticanum latinum 5319; MSS Rome, San Pietro F 22 and F 11 / 1
ML3088 .D54 2021eb Dies irae : Kroniek van het requiem / 2
ML3088 H35 1976 The requiem mass : a study of performance practices from the baroque era to the present day as related to four requiem settings by Gilles, Mozart, Verdi and Britten. 1
ML3088 .H6 1968 The six anonymous L'homme armé masses in Naples : Biblioteca nazionale, MS VI E 40. 1
ML3088 .K37 2005 An introduction to the post-tridentine Mass proper / 1
ML3088 .K57 1995 The three-voice Mass in the later fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries : style, distribution, and case studies / 1
ML3088 .L84 Die mehrstimmigen Ordinarium Missae-Sätze : vom ausgehenden 11. bis zur Wende des 13. zum 14. Jahrhundert / 1
ML3088 .M24 1986 The Viennese concerted mass of the early classic period / 1
ML3088 .M34 2011 Announcing the feast : the entrance song in the Mass of the Roman rite / 1
ML3088 .M35 2000 The Advent project : the later-seventh-century creation of the Roman Mass proper / 1
ML3088 .M65 2017 The polyphonic mass in France, 1600-1780 : the evidence of the printed choirbooks / 2
ML3088 .O34 2017 The masses of Seán and Peadar Ó Riada : explorations in vernacular chant / 1
ML3088 .R62 1968 Requiem: music of mourning and consolation. 1
ML3088 .R63 2021 The origins and ascendancy of the concert mass / 1
ML3088 .R65 2023 The politicized concert mass (1967-2007) : from secularism to pluralism / 1
ML3088 .S34 1967 The concerted mass at San Petronio in Bologna, ca. 1660-1730 : a documentary and analytical study / 1
ML3088 .S35 1966a The concerted mass at San Petronio in Bologna ca. 1660-1730 a documentary and analytical study / 1
ML3088 .T63 1964a The mass and the twentieth century composer : a study of musical techniques and style, together with the interpretive problems of the performer / 1
ML3088 .V45 1960 Text underlay in the mass ordinary of Dufay and some of his contemporaries 1