Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML3186 .L45 1991 Goostly psalmes and spirituall songes : English and Dutch metrical psalms from Coverdale to Utenhove, 1535-1566 / 1
ML3186 .L86 Glory, hallelujah! : the story of the campmeeting spiritual / 1
ML3186 .L892 1955 Daniel Bayley's The American harmony" : a bibliographical study / 1
ML3186 .L92 1990 Welsh hymns and their tunes : their background and place in Welsh history and culture / 1
ML3186 .M21 The congregation and the new hymn / 1
ML3186 .M22 Hymn tune names : their sources and significance. 1
ML3186 .M26 2020 The Cashaway psalmody : transatlantic religion and music in colonial Carolina / 2
ML3186 .P33 The hymns and hymn tunes found in the English metrical Psalters. 1
ML3186.P46 H9 Hymnody past and present / 1
ML3186.P7 H8 The hymnal 1940 companion / 1
ML3186.P7 H8 1949 The Hymnal 1940 companion / 1
ML3186 .P72 The Psalm-singer's necessary companion being, a collection of most single and double psalm-tunes now in use, with full directions how to sing them; with the bassus, counters, trebles and medius's / 1
ML3186 .R43 Das Cantional von Johan Herman Schein / 1
ML3186 .R5 A survey of Christian hymnody / 1
ML3186 .R5 1978 A joyful sound : Christian hymnody / 2
ML3186 .R68 1975 Hymnal handbook for Standard hymns and gospel songs : a collection of stories and information about hymns, gospel songs, and their writers, designed to help ministers and music directors create greater appreciation and interest in congregational singing / 1
ML3186 .R73 The music of Christian hymnody : a study of the development of the hymn tune since the Reformation, with special reference to English Protestantism. 1
ML3186 .S18 A history of evangelistic hymnody / 1
ML3186 .S26 2009 Samuel Babcock (1760-1813), Archetypal Psalmodist of the First New England School of Composers 1
ML3186 .S77 The Ravenscroft Psalter (1621) the tunes, with a background of Thomas Ravenscroft and psalm singing in his time / 1