Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML344 .G47 The Persian doctrine of Dastga-composition : a phenomenological study in the musical modes. 1
ML344.L5 S8 A survey of Oriental music / 1
ML344 L83 2019 Music of a thousand years : a new history of Persian musical traditions / 1
ML344 .M38 Āwāz-s-Sur. : Zur Melodiwbildung in der persischen Kunstmusik. 1
ML344 .M38 Supp Āwāz-e-Šur : zur Melodiebildung in der persischen Kunstmusik. 1
ML344 .M55 1999 Music and song in Persia : the art of āvāz / 1
ML344 .M55 2011 Music and Song in Persia (RLE Iran B) : the Art of Avaz. 1
ML344 .M55 2011eb Music and song in Persia : the art of Āvāz / 1
ML344 .N48 1972 Daramad of chahargah : a study in the performance practice of Persian music / 1
ML344 .N5 1992 The radif of Persian music : studies of structure and cultural context in the classical music of Iran / 1
ML344 .N66 2015 Iranian classical music : the discourses and practice of creativity / 1
ML344 .W54 Beiheft Künstler und Amateure im persischen Santurspiel. : Studien zum Gestaltungsvermögen in der iranischen Musik. 1
ML344 .Z65 Classical Persian music : an introduction / 1
ML344.7.K48 Y68 2002 Les bardes du Khorassan iranien : le bakhshi et son répertoire / 1
ML345.A35 S24 1983 Music in the mind : the concepts of music and musician in Afghanistan / 2
ML345.A785 G37 2008eb The Garland handbook of Southeast Asian music 1
ML345.A98 Song from the land of fire : continuity and change in Azerbaijanian mugham / 1
ML345.A98 N37 2003eb Song from the land of fire : continuity and change in Azerbaijanian mugham / 1
ML345.B3 G65 2005 Music in Bali : experiencing music, expressing culture / 1
ML345.B3 M25 Music in Bali : a study in form and instrumental organization in Balinese orchestral music / 1