Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML3516 .B37 1993 Barbershopping : musical and social harmony / 1
ML3516.S74 The Barbershop Singer : Inside the Social World of a Musical Hobby. 2
ML3516 .S74 1996 The barbershop singer : inside the social world of a musical hobby / 1
ML3518 Making the scene contemporary New York City big band jazz /
Making the scene : contemporary New York City big band jazz /
ML3518 .B47 2012 Lonesome roads and streets of dreams : place, mobility, and race in jazz of the 1930s and '40s / 1
ML3518 .B5 1988 The Big band years / 1
ML3518 .B56 2001 Swing, that modern sound / 1
ML3518 .B56 2001eb Swing, that modern sound / 1
ML3518 .C76 1988 The big band years / 1
ML3518 .E35 2003 The Coon-Sanders Nighthawks : "the band that made radio famous" / 1
ML3518 .E74 1998 Swingin' the dream : big band jazz and the rebirth of American culture / 1
ML3518 .F46 2012 Taj Mahal foxtrot : the story of Bombay's Jazz age / 1
ML3518 .F47 1993 Swing out : great Negro dance bands / 1
ML3518 .F47 2012 Taj Mahal Foxtrot : the story of Bombay's Jazz age / 1
ML3518 .I56 2005 Swing era scrapbook : the teenage diaries & radio logs of Bob Inman, 1936-1938 / 1
ML3518 .L4 1983 Popular music in the U.S. (1920-1950) : a class outline : (The big bands), (The legendary performers) / 1
ML3518 .M33 2004 The later swing era, 1942 to 1955 : Lawrence McClellan, Jr. 1
ML3518 .P64 1989 The Glenn Miller Army Air Force Band : sustineo alas = I sustain the wings / 1
ML3518 .R65 1987 Thirty years with the big bands / 1
ML3518 .R87 1974 The dance bands / 2