Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML3750 .N54 1981 Nihon ryūkōkashi. 1
ML3750 .O48 2011 Tettei kenshō Nihon no gunka : sensō no jidai to ongaku / 1
ML3750 .S55 1994 Shinpan Nihon ryūkōkashi / 1
ML3750 .T65 2008 Ongaku o dōinseyo : tōsei to goraku no jūgonen sensō / 1
ML3750 .Y347 1994 Kodomo no uta o kataru : shōka to dōyō / 1
ML3750.1 .Y85 1995 Ano toki kono uta / 1
ML3750.5 S25 1974 Saijō Yaso dōyō zenshū / 1
ML3750.7.R9 Songs from the edge of Japan : music-making in Yaeyama and Okinawa / 1
ML3750.7.R9 G55 2012 Songs from the edge of Japan : music-making in Yaeyama and Okinawa / 1
ML3752 Healing Rhythms: The World of South Korea's East Coast Hereditary Shamans.
Hanyang Kut : Korean Shaman Ritual Music from Seoul /
ML3752 .H3613 2018 Encyclopedia of nongak : community band music, dance and rituals in Korea / 1
ML3752 .H69 2016 SamulNori : Korean percussion for a contemporary world / 1
ML3752 .H694 2008 Korean kayaǧum sanjo : a traditional instrumental genre / 1
ML3752.K4 K58 1972 Die koreanische Musik : Einführung und Besprechung von 17 zum ersten Mal in die europäische Notenschrift übertragenen Kompositionen / 1
ML3752 .K88 1992 Die Theorie und Praxis der Intonationen in der traditionellen koreanischen Musik, gemessen an den Wölbbrettzithern Ǩomunǵo und Káyaǧum / 1
ML3752 .L3 1974 Die Struktur der Korsischen Lamento-Melodik / 1
ML3752 .M55 2007 Healing rhythms : the world of South Korea's East Coast hereditary shamans / 1
ML3752 .P3 2009 Hanʼguk kayosa / 1
ML3752 .P55 2012 Hearts of pine : songs in the lives of three Korean survivors of the Japanese "comfort women" / 1
ML3752 .P55 2012eb Hearts of pine : songs in the lives of three Korean survivors of the Japanese "comfort women" / 1