Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML3790 .N4825 1998 Booking concerts : tips for classical & jazz musicians / 1
ML3790 .N4827 1998 Establishing a private teaching studio / 1
ML3790 .N483 1997 Photos / 1
ML3790 .N485 1997 Spreading the news : a guide to publicity for musicians / 1
ML3790 .N49 1995 Making money teaching music / 2
ML3790 .N493 2022 Orchestra management handbook : building relationships in turbulent times / 2
ML3790 .O33 2008 Punk record labels and the struggle for autonomy : the emergence of DIY / 1
ML3790 .O36 2021 The Nigerian entertainment industry : the case of a promising musician / 1
ML3790 .O45 2018 Microphones for the recording musician / 1
ML3790.O46 C36 1998eb The CDnow story : rags to riches on the Internet / 1
ML3790 .O49 2018 Mixing with impact : learning to make musical choices / 1
ML3790 .O74 2013 Music, markets and consumption / 2
ML3790 .O824 2023 Owning the masters : a history of sound recording copyright / 1
ML3790 .O825 2012 Vinyl : a history of the analogue record / 1
ML3790 .O825 2012eb Vinyl : a history of the analogue record / 1
ML3790 .O83 2004 On the record : over 150 of the most talented people in music share the secrets of their success / 1
ML3790 .O95 1992 Welcome to the jungle : a practical guide to today's music business / 1
ML3790 .O968 2016 Music 4.1 : a survival guide for making music in the Internet age / 1
ML3790.O968 2016 Music 4.1 : a Survival Guide for Making Music in the Internet Age. 1
ML3790 .O969 2016 The music producer's handbook / 1