Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML3797.2.P6 S547 2020 The Beginnings of Polish Musicology 1
ML3797.2.R8 Ė86 2014 Ėtnomuzykalʹnye tradit︠s︡ii narodov Povolzhʹi︠a︡ v uslovii︠a︡kh sovremennogo polikulʹturnogo obrazovanii︠a︡ : issledovatelʹskie ocherki / 1
ML3797.2.R8 Ė86 2014 Ėtnomuzykalʹnye tradit︠s︡ii narodov Povolzhʹi︠a︡ v uslovii︠a︡kh sovremennogo polikulʹturnogo obrazovanii︠a︡ : issledovatelʹskie ocherki / 1
ML3797.2.U4 C56 2023 Performing arts and gender in postcolonial western Uganda / 1
ML3797.4 .Q44 2023 Queer Ear : Remaking Music Theory.
Queer ear : remaking music theory /
ML3797.6 ebook Antropología de la música : de los géneros tribales a la globalización. 1
ML3797.7 Historical sources of ethnomusicology in contemporary debate / 1
ML3797.7 .A66 2010 Applied ethnomusicology : historical and contemporary approaches / 1
ML3797.7 .C65 2006 L'ethnomusicologie de la France : de l'ancienne civilisation paysanne à la globalisation : actes du Colloque "L'ethnomusicologie de la France", 15-18 novembre 2006 / 1
ML3797.7 .E72 1988 Ethnomusicology in Canada : proceedings of the first Conference on Ethnomusicology in Canada/premier congrès sur l'ethnomusicologie au Canada held in Toronto 13-15 May, 1988 : co-sponsored by the Institute for Canadian Music, Faculty of Music, University of Toronto, and the Faculties of Fine Arts and Graduate Studies, York University / 1
ML3797.7 .E74 1997 Ethnomusikologie und historische Musikwissenschaft--gemeinsame Ziele, gleiche Methoden? : Erich Stockmann zum 70. Geburtstag : Bericht der Tagung am Musikwissenschaftlichen Institut der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 21.3.-23.3.1991 = Ethnomusicology and historical musicology--common goals, shared methodologies? / 1
ML3797.7 .E95 1986 Ethnomusicology and the historical dimension : papers presented at the European Seminar in Ethnomusicology, London, May 20-23, 1986 / 1
ML3797.7 .E95 1990 European studies in ethnomusicology : historical developments and recent trends : selected papers presented at the VIIth European Seminar in Ethnomusicology, Berlin, October 1-6, 1990 / 1
ML3797.7 .E95 2002 Traditional music and research in the Baltic area : new approaches in ethnomusicology / 1
ML3797.7 .F22 1986 Fact and value in contemporary musical scholarship. 1
ML3797.7 .I67 2003 A search in Asia for a new theory of music : a symposium organized by the University of the Philippines, Center for Ethnomusicology as the 7th International Conference of the Asia Pacific Society for Ethnomusicology (APSE) / 1
ML3797.7 .K59 1979 Weltmusik / 1
ML3797.7 .K59 1982 Weltmusik 2 / 1
ML3797.7 .M985 2010 Music and the construction of national identities in the 19th century / 1
ML3797.7 .O73 1986 The Oral and the literate in music / 1