Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML3800 .L48 2015 Musical concerns : essays in philosophy of music / 1
ML3800 .L57 2008eb Embodied music cognition and mediation technology 1
ML3800 .L6 1993 The sight of sound : music, representation, and the history of the body / 1
ML3800 .L614 2007 Sound judgment : selected essays / 1
ML3800 .L63 2013 Local and global understandings of creativities : multipart music making and the construction of ideas, contexts and contents / 2
ML3800 .L66 Musik und Alchemie. 1
ML3800 .L663 2019 Intents and purposes : philosophy and the aesthetics of improvisation / 1
ML3800 .L667 1988 The original art of music / 1
ML3800 .L667 1989 The original art of music / 1
ML3800 .L67 A humanistic philosophy of music / 1
ML3800 .L67 2006 A humanistic philosophy of music / 1
ML3800 .L69 1998 The musical work : reality or invention? / 1
ML3800 .L79 2001 Music, tendencies, and inhibitions : reflections on a theory of Leonard Meyer / 1
ML3800 .L88 2003 Musical improvisation, Heidegger, and the liturgy : a journey to the heart of hope / 1
ML3800 .M15 The myth of invariance : the origin of the gods, mathematics, and music from the Ṛg Veda to Plato / 1
ML3800 .M235 1990 The concept of music / 1
ML3800 .M235 1991 The concept of music / 1
ML3800 .M236 2010 Musicologia : musical knowledge from Plato to John Cage / 2
ML3800 .M237 1997 The science of music / 1
ML3800 .M2373 2002 The second sense : language, music & hearing / 1