Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML3820 .T46 1978 Tensions in the performance of music : a symposium / 1
ML3820 .T48 Rhythm Music and the Brain. 1
ML3820 .T48 2008eb Rhythm, music, and the brain : scientific foundations and clinical applications / 1
ML3820 .T63 2016 Le corps musicien : une phénoménologie de la motricité musicale / 1
ML3820 .T66 2010 Sinister resonance : the mediumship of the listener / 1
ML3820 .T66 2010eb Sinister resonance : the mediumship of the listener / 1
ML3820 .V364 2010 Auditive Einflussgrößen bei der zeitlichen Handlungsplanung im Klavierspiel. 1
ML3820 .V654 2018 Listen to live - our brain and music : the Tomatis Listening training and therapy / 1
ML3820 .W23 1991 Biomusicology : neurophysiological, neuropsychological, and evolutionary perspectives on the origins and purposes of music / 1
ML3820 .W27 2009 The biology of musical performance and performance-related injury / 1
ML3820 .W27 2009eb The biology of musical performance and performance-related injury / 1
ML3820 .W56 1986 Tone deaf and all thumbs? : an invitation to music-making for late bloomers and non-prodigies / 1
ML3820 .W75 2022 Physiological influences of music in perception and action / 1
ML3822 .S92 Ways of the hand : the organization of improvised conduct / 1
ML3822 .S98 Intervallic hearing : its nature and pedagogy / 1
ML3830 Psychological Perspectives on Musical Experiences and Skills : Research in the Western Balkans and Western Europe /
The Routledge companion to music cognition /
Music psychology /
Music--Psychoanalysis--Musicology /
The Oxford handbook of music and the brain /
Performance, subjectivity, and experimentation /
Foundations in music psychology : theory and research /
Music, neurology, and neuroscience : evolution, the musical brain, medical conditions, and therapies /
Music, passion, and cognitive function /
Music, neurology, and neuroscience : historical connections and perspectives /
Handbook of musical identities /
Artes y salud para la calidad de vida nuevos retos y experiencias.
Musical Sense-Making : Enaction, Experience, and Computation.
Creative music making /
Connectionist representations of tonal music : discovering musical patterns by interpreting artificial neural networks /
Discovering the musical mind : a view of creativity as learning /
Musical Imagery /
Tone psychology.
The Routledge companion to music, mind and well-being /
Musical sense-making : enactment, experience and computation /
On Voice.
The memetics of music : a neo-Darwinian view of musical structure and culture /
The music practitioner : research for the music performer, teacher and listener /
IMAGINATION OF EXPERIENCES : musical invention, collaboration, and the making of meanings.
Critique of pure music /
Ubiquitous musics : the everyday sounds that we don't always notice /
The science-music borderlands : reckoning with the past and imagining the future /
Music, Nostalgia and Memory : Historical and Psychological Perspectives /
Beethoven's anvil music in mind and culture /
Musical emotions explained : unlocking the secrets of musical affect /
Music, health, and wellbeing
Applying music in exercise and sport /
The neuroscience of Bach's music perception, action, and cognition effects on the brain /
The psychology of music listening for health and wellbeing professionals /
Performance anxiety strategies : a musician's guide to managing stage fright /
The Oxford handbook of music psychology /
The power of music : an exploration of the evidence /
Psychology and music : the understanding of melody and rhythm /
The Routledge companion to embodied music interaction /
Training with a beat : the teaching power of music /
Psychological health effects of musical experiences : theories, studies and reflections in music health science /
Psychology for musicians : understanding and acquiring the skills /
Tréma u hudebníků a její prevence ve vzdělávacím systému /
Music and consciousness 2 : worlds, practices, modalities /
ML3830 .A46 Zur Psychologie der Toneigenschaften : unter Berücksichtigung der "Zweikomponenten-Theorie" und der Vokalsystematik / 1
ML3830 .A771 2012 Art in motion. 1
ML3830 .A84 2009 How high should boys sing? : gender, authenticity and credibility in the young male voice / 1
ML3830 .A84 2009eb How high should boys sing? : gender, authenticity and credibility in the young male voice / 1