Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML3916 .M8737 2017 Music as a platform for political communication / 1
ML3916 .M8738 2016 Music as multimodal discourse semiotics, power and protest / 1
ML3916 .M8738 2017eb Music as multimodal discourse : semiotics, power and protest / 1
ML3916 .M8747 2018 Music glocalization : heritage and innovation in a digital age / 1
ML3916 .M875 2012 Music and protest / 1
ML3916 .M8754 2023 Music in crime, resistance, and identity / 1
ML3916 .M876 2013 Music, longing and belonging : articulations of the self and the other in the musical realm / 2
ML3916 .M877 2019 Music, myth and story in medieval and early modern culture / 1
ML3916 .M878 2012 Music, politics, and violence / 1
ML3916 .M8783 2013 Music sociology : examining the role of music in social life / 2
ML3916 .M879 2013 Music, sound and space : transformations of public and private experience / 1
ML3916 .M879 2013eb Music, sound and space : transformations of public and private experience / 2
ML3916 .M879 2016 Music, power and liberty : sound, song and melody as instruments of change / 1
ML3916 .M882 2006 Musical biography : towards new paradigms / 1
ML3916 .M882 2016 Musical biography : towards new paradigms / 1
ML3916 .M883 2006 Musical childhoods & the cultures of youth / 1
ML3916 .M88307 2023 Musical ecologies : instrumental music ensembles around the world / 1
ML3916 .M88325 2019 Musical salon culture in the long nineteenth century / 1
ML3916 .M88325 2019eb Musical salon culture in the long nineteenth century / 2
ML3916 .M93 2020 My body was left on the street : music education and displacement / 1