Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML3917.F8 Music, pantomime and freedom in enlightenment France / 2
ML3917.F8 B45 2021 Music and power at the court of Louis XIII : sounding the liturgy in early modern France / 1
ML3917.F8 B466 2021 Music and Power at the Court of Louis XIII Sounding the Liturgy in Early Modern France. 1
ML3917.F8 C65 2008 25 ans de sociologie de la musique en France. 1
ML3917.F8 D76 2011 Music and the elusive revolution : cultural politics and political culture in France, 1968-1981 / 1
ML3917.F8 D76 2011eb Music and the elusive revolution : cultural politics and political culture in France, 1968-1981 /
Music and the elusive revolution cultural politics and political culture in France, 1968-1981 /
ML3917.F8 F74 2008 French music, culture, and national identity, 1870-1939 / 1
ML3917.F8 F74 2008eb French music, culture, and national identity, 1870-1939 / 1
ML3917.F8 G46 2022 From servant to savant : musical privilege, property, and the French Revolution / 2
ML3917.F8 G55 2021 At home in our sounds : music, race, and cultural politics in interwar Paris / 1
ML3917.F8 J35 2019 Strains of dissent : popular music and everyday resistance in WWII France, 1940-1945 / 2
ML3917.F8 L386 2023 The voice of virtue : moral song and the practice of French stoicism, 1574-1652 / 1
ML3917.F8 L43 2009 Protest music in France : production, identity and audiences / 1
ML3917.F8 L43 2016 Protest music in France : production, identity and audiences / 1
ML3917.F8 L53 2021 Django generations : hearing ethnorace, citizenship, and jazz manouche in France / 1
ML3917.F8 L53 2022 Django generations : hearing ethnorace, citizenship, and jazz manouche in France / 1
ML3917.F8 M34 2016 Jazz and postwar French identity : improvising the nation / 2
ML3917.F8 M66 2018 Performing propaganda : musical life and culture in Paris during the First World War / 1
ML3917.F8 P37 2009 Composing the citizen : music as public utility in Third Republic France / 4
ML3917.F8 P47 2012 The musical sounds of medieval French cities : players, patrons, and politics /
The Musical Sounds of Medieval French Cities : Players, Patrons, and Politics.