Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML3918.P67 M83 2007eb Music in the post-9/11 world / 1
ML3918.P67 M85 2007 Music, national identity and the politics of location : between the global and the local / 1
ML3918.P67 M85 2007eb Music, national identity and the politics of location : between the global and the local / 1
ML3918.P67 M87 2003 Musical migrations / 1
ML3918.P67 M87 2016 Music, national identity and the politics of location between the global and the local / 1
ML3918.P67 M87 2021 Musical gentrification : popular music, distinction and social mobility / 3
ML3918.P67 M875 2020 Music, immigration and the city : a transatlantic dialogue / 1
ML3918.P67 P433 2017 The Resisting Muse: Popular Music and Social Protest. 1
ML3918.P67 P47 2004 Music of the counterculture era / 1
ML3918.P67 P65 2003 Policing pop / 1
ML3918.P67 P65 2016 The politics of post-9/11 music : sound, trauma, and the music industry in the time of terror / 1
ML3918.P67 P655 2011 The politics of post-9/11 music : sound, trauma, and the music industry in the time of terror / 1
ML3918.P67 P655 2011eb The politics of post-9/11 music : sound, trauma, and the music industry in the time of terror / 1
ML3918.P67P66 2011 Popular Music and Human Rights : (Two-volume set) 1
ML3918.P67 P66 2011 Popular music and human rights / 1
ML3918.P67 P66 2019 Popular music and the postcolonial / 1
ML3918.P67 P67 2005 Popular music : aspetti e problemi : contributi dal seminario La musica di consumo in Italia: economia, sociologia, stile / 1
ML3918.P67 P68 2014 Popular music fandom : identities, roles and practices / 2
ML3918.P67 R45 2015 Rebel music : resistance through hip hop and punk / 1
ML3918.P67 R47 2006 The resisting muse : popular music and social protest / 1