Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML410.B42 W37 2013 The Beethoven obsession / 1
ML410.B425 K45 The Beethoven quartets. 1
ML410.B43 B425 Beethoven Almanach 1970 : [Von] Isolde Ahlgrimm [et al.] 1
ML410.B43 K6 Beethovenstätten in Österreich / 1
ML410.B43 M85 Beethoven '77 : Beiträge der Beethoven-Woche 1977 / 1
ML410.B43 S63 Wohnstätten Ludwig van Beethovens von 1792 bis zu seinem Tod. 1
ML410.B43 T35 1994 Beethoven & the spiritual path / 1
ML410.B432 O9 1974 The life and music of Supply Belcher (1751-1836), "Handel of Maine." 1
ML410.B435 Z38 Ján Levoslav Bella : život a dielo / 1
ML410 .B44 Vincenzo Bellini and the Aesthetics of Early Nineteenth-Century Italian Opera. 1
ML410.B44 G35 2002 Bellini : life, times, music / 1
ML410.B44 K56 1998 Vincenzo Bellini, Norma / 1
ML410.B44 K56 1998eb Vincenzo Bellini, Norma
Vincenzo Bellini, Norma /
ML410.B44 L57 Vincenzo Bellini und die italienische Opera Seria seiner Zeit. : Studien über Libretto, Arienform und Melodik. 1
ML410.B44 M3 1989 Vincenzo Bellini and the aesthetics of early nineteenth-century Italian opera / 1
ML410.B44 O7 Bellini / 1
ML410.B44 O8 1969 Bellini / 1
ML410.B44 P87 2006eb I Puritani = The Puritans : melodrama serio in three acts / opera seria in three acts / 1
ML410.B44 R77 1996 The life of Bellini / 1
ML410.B44 V522 2007 Vincenzo Bellini et la France : histoire, création et réception de l'œuvre : actes du colloque international, Paris, Sorbonne, Salle des Actes, 5-7 novembre 2001 = Vincenzo Bellini e la Francia : storia, creazione e ricezione dell'opera : atti del convegno internazionale / 1