Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML410.M167 S54 2023 The life and music of Elizabeth Maconchy / 2
ML410.M169 S28 2018 Put your hand in my hand... : the spiritual and musical connections of Catherine and Gene MacLellan / 1
ML410.M17 A3 A house in Bali / 1
ML410.M17 A3 2000 A house in Bali / 1
ML410.M17 O4 1990 Colin McPhee : composer in two worlds / 2
ML410.M174 F4 1990 Bruno Maderna / 1
ML410.M18 B89 2004 Bruno Maderna, studi e testimonianze / 1
ML410.M21 A3 1997 Correspondance, 1888-1914 / 1
ML410.M22 K4 1991 The bride of the wind : the life and times of Alma Mahler-Werfel / 1
ML410.M22 Z44 2004 Ma Sicong nian pu, 1912-1987 = Ma Si Cong nian pu / 1
ML410.M23 Gustav Mahler : autopsy of a genius /
Gustav Mahler /
Mahler's Nietzsche : politics and philosophy in the Wunderhorn Symphonies /
Mahler's Nietzsche : politics and philosophy in the Wunderhorn symphonies /
The little drummer boy : an essay on Gustav Mahler /
ML410.M23 A2 Selected letters of Gustav Mahler / 1
ML410.M23 A23 Briefe, 1879-1911 / 1
ML410.M23 A3 Gustav Mahler. 1
ML410.M23 A4 1982 Briefe / 1
ML410.M23 A4 1987 Mahler's unknown letters / 1
ML410.M23 A4 1997 Ein Glück ohne Ruh' : die Briefe Gustav Mahlers an Alma : erste Gesamtausgabe / 1
ML410.M23 A413 2004 Gustav Mahler : letters to his wife / 1
ML410.M23A413 2005 The Mahler Family Letters. 1
ML410.M23 A413 2006 The Mahler family letters / 1