Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML73.5 .D74 2001 Kunst und Künstlichkeit : zum Verhältnis von Technologie und künstlerischer Kreativität : Kolloquium des Dresdner Zentrums für zeitgenössische Musik, 4.-5. Oktober 2001 im Rahmen der 15. Dresdner Tage der zeitgenössischen Musik / 1
ML73.5 .I58 2001 Proceedings, first International Conference on WEB Delivering of Music : WEDELMUSIC 2001 : Florence, Italy, 23-24 November 2001 / 1
ML73.5 .I58 2001b Proceedings, first International Conference on WEB Delivering of Music : WEDELMUSIC 2001 : Florence, Italy, 23-24 November 2001 / 1
ML73.5 .I58 2002 Proceedings, Second International Conference on WEB Delivering of Music : WEDELMUSIC 2002 : Darmstadt, Germany, 9-11 December 2002 / 1
ML73.5 .I58 2003 Wedelmusic 2003 : proceedings : Third International Conference on WEB Delivering of Music, 15-17 September 2003, Leeds, United Kingdom / 1
ML73.5 .I58 2004 Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on WEB Delivering of Music : Wedelmusic 2004 ; 13-14 September 2004, Barcelona, Spain / 1
ML73.5 .K53 1993 Neue Musiktechnologie II : Vortrage und Berichte vom KlangArt-Kongress 1993 an der Universitat Osnabruck, Fachbereich Erziehungs- und Kulturwissenschaften / 1
ML73.5 .M84 2002 Music and artificial intelligence : Second International Conference, ICMAI 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 12-14, 2002 : proceedings / 1
ML73.5 .M87 1994 Music education : an artificial intelligence approach : proceedings of a workshop held as part of AI-ED 93, World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Edinburgh, Scotland, 25 August 1993 / 1
ML74 Music data mining /
The Digital Evolution of Live Music /
From content-based music emotion recognition to emotion maps of musical pieces /
Ubiquitous Music Ecologies
Music, mathematics and language : the new horizon of computational musicology opened by information science /
Sequential decision-making in musical intelligence /
Computer assisted music and dramatics : possibilities and challenges /
The evolution of music through culture and science /
Toscanini in Britain /
DEEP AND SHALLOW machine learning in music and audio.
Music intelligence : second Summit, SOMI 2023, Beijing, China, October 28-30, 2023, Revised selected papers /
Basic music technology : an introduction /
Handbook of artificial intelligence for music foundations, advanced approaches, and developments for creativity /
Music data analysis : foundations and applications /
ML74 .A38 2010 Advances in music information retrieval 1
ML74 .A53 2004 Power tools for synthesizer programming : the ultimate reference for sound design / 1
ML74 .A78 2005 The art of digital music : 56 visionary artists & insiders reveal their creative secrets / 2
ML74 .B37 2003 A computer-aided inquiry on music communication : the rules of music / 1
ML74 .B49 1997 Beyond MIDI : the handbook of musical codes / 1
ML74 .B74 1990 Pascal programming for music research / 1
ML74 .C65 1992 Computer representations and models in music / 1
ML74 .C66 2011 Speech, sound and music processing: Embracing research in India 8th International Symposium, CMMR 2011, 20th International Symposium, FRSM 2011, Bhubaneswar, India, March 9-12, 2011, Revised selected papers / 1
ML74 .C66 2012 From sounds to music and emotions : 9th International Symposium, CMMR 2012, London, UK, June 19-22, 2012, Revised selected papers / 1
ML74 .C69 2008 Hidden structure : music analysis using computers / 2