Call Number (LC) Title Results
ML83 .M97 1987 Music and child development / 1
ML83 .O94 2012 The Oxford handbook of children's musical cultures 1
ML83 .O94 2013 The Oxford handbook of children's musical cultures / 1
ML83 .S99 1981 Ability development from age zero / 1
ML83 .T4 Music for young children / 1
ML83 .Y66 2003 Music with the under-fours / 1
ML83 .Y66 2003eb Music with the under-fours /
Music with the under-fours
ML83 .Z54 Musical characteristics of children / 1
ML83 .Z542 2002 On musicality and milestones : selected writings of Marilyn Pflederer Zimmerman : with contributions from the profession / 1
ML85 Painting the musical city : jazz and cultural identity in American art, 1910-1940 /
Belonging, detachment and the representation of musical identities in visual culture /
Painting music in the sixteenth century : essays in iconography /
ML85 .A78 2006 Art deco : zwier en melodie : samengesteld uit de collectie van Rob Aardse, Warmond / 1
ML85 .A9713 2009 Music in art / 1
ML85 .B33 1993a Singing in the garden : an examination of music in trecento painting and Boccaccio's Decameron / 1
ML85 .B34 Music in prints / 1
ML85 .B37 2006 The cat & the fiddle : images of musical humour from the Middle Ages to modern times / 1
ML85 .B43 Biographical dictionary of Black musicians and music educators / 1
ML85 .B66 1989 Musical ensembles in festival books, 1500-1800 : an iconographical & documentary survey / 1
ML85 .B879 1995 Quellenstudien zu europäischen Zupfinstrumentenformen : Methodenprobleme, kunsthistorische Aspekte und Fragen der Namenszuordnung / 1
ML85 .C34 1995 Reconstructing pop/subculture : art, rock, and Andy Warhol / 1
ML85 .C37 1995 Iconografia musicale nell'arte biellese, vercellese e Valsesiana : un catalogo ragionato / 1