Call Number (LC) Title Results
MP1002 .S91 op.40 L4 Ein Heldenleben, op. 40 A hero's life. 1
MP1002 .S91 op.40 M4 Ein Heldenleben op. 40. 1
MP1002 .S91 op.40 R4 Ein Heldenleben A hero's life. Op. 40. 1
MP1002 .S91 op.40 R42 Ein Heldenleben A hero's life. Op. 40. 1
MP1002 .T6 The Tone poem 1
MP1002 .V55 L4 Erosion (Erosão) : the origin of the Amazon River =: (Sorimão u Ipirungáua) : symphonic poem, 1950 / 1
MP1002 .W47 N4 The curious musical-instrument calendar 1
MP1003 .A2 C47 Ceremonial music from the court of Louis XIV 1
MP1003 .A2 H6 The Holy City 1
MP1003 .A3 W33 Water music complete / 1
MP1003 .A42 I2 Iberia 1
MP1003 .A44 G84 Svensk ton 1
MP1003 .A58 C6 Corroboree suite from ballet, in seven movements. 1
MP1003 .A74 Blues-opera [suite] / 1
MP1003 .A94 P5 Phases of the great land (1958) 1
MP1003 .B12 M8 Musica per orchestra Musica per organo / 1
MP1003 .B2 Suites for orchestra 1-4. 1
MP1003 .B2 1963 4 Suites (Overtures) 1
MP1003 .B2 1966 Ouvertüren 1-4 1
MP1003 B2 1967 The four orchestral suites 1