Call Number (LC) Title Results
MP1145 .V5 F3 Fantasia concertante for orchestra of violoncellos 1
MP1145 .W57 op.11 W4 Serenade for strings, op. 11 / 1
MP1145 .W57 op.11 W41 Serenade for strings op. 11 / 1
MP1160 .A2 S76 Strings of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra 1
MP1160 .A2 T9 20th century masterpieces of the Vienna school 1
MP1160 .B32 C6 Concerto for four viols 1
MP1160 .B33 S.1043 Konzert c-moll für zwei Cembali, zwei Violinen, Viola und Continuo, BWV 1062 Konzert c-moll für zwei Cembali, zwei Violinen, Viola und Continuo, BWV 1060. Konzert a-moll für vier Cembali, zwei Violinen, Viola und Continuo. BWV 1065. 1
MP1160 .B33 S.1060 Double concerto in D for oboe, violin and strings. Triple concerto in A for flute, violin, harpsichord and strings 1
MP1160 .B44 op.133 Grosse Fuge, op. 133 1
MP1160 .B44 op.133 K5 Grosse Fuge op. 133. 1
MP1160 .B44 op.133 L5 Grosse Fuge Grand fugue. Op. 133. 1
MP1160 .B73 L5 Liebeslieder waltzes, op. 52 1
MP1160 .C25 F4 Les festes vénitiennes excerpts (suite) / 1
MP1160 .C35 Souvenir de Florence op. 70 / 1
MP1160 .E54 op.7 Octet for strings, op. 7 1
MP1160 .F74 P7 Quattro pezzi 1
MP1160 .S36 V4 Transfigured night Verklaerte Nacht, op. 4 / 1
MP1160 .S36 V41 Verklärte Nacht op. 4 : (Transfigured night) : for string orchestra ; Chamber symphony in E flat major, op. 9 / 1
MP1160 .V59 F.XII 15 Concerto for guitar and strings in C major Concerto for two horns and strings in F major ; Concerto for guitar and strings in D major ; Suite from Il Pastor fido : op. 13 / 1
MP1200 .A41 The All-Star Concert Band 1