Call Number (LC) Title Results
MP126 .R43 Recital 1
MP126 .R65 Four suites 1
MP126 .S67 E8 20 studies for guitar 1
MP126 .S67 Y4 24 [i.e. Vierundzwanzig] Etüden 1
MP126 .T37 The music of Francisco Tárrega 1
MP126 .V55 E7 12 Etüden für Gitarre ; 5 Präludien für Gitarre 1
MP127 .P65 S6 Sonata romántica 1
MP127 .T35 S8 Suite in modo polonico 1
MP127 .V54 P7 5 [five] preludes for guitar (1940) 1
MP128 .A2 M8 Music for the classic guitar 1
MP128 .B23 P7 Werke für Gitarre 1
MP140 .A2 A7 The Art of the lute [renaissance and baroque masterpieces from France, England and Germany] 1
MP140 .A2 B37 The Baroque lute 1
MP140 .A2 D4 Deutsche Lautenmusik der Renaissance 1
MP140 .A2 J8 Julian Bream in concert 1
MP140 .A2 L38 Lautenmusik des Barock 1
MP140 .A2 S5 16th & 17th century lute music 1
MP140 .B3 Works for the lute 1
MP140 .B3 W4 Werke für Laute 1
MP140 .D68 D35 Dances of Dowland 1