Call Number (LC) Title Results
MP1489 .M8 Music at Notre Dame 1200-1375. 1
MP1489 .M81 Music at Notre Dame, 1200-1375 1
MP1490 .A2 A29 Advent and Christmas in ancient Halle and Leipzig 1
MP1490 .A2 A5 Canzoni, ricercari and chori for single and double brass choirs 1
MP1490 .A2 A69 Arie antiche 1
MP1490 .A2 A7 The Ars nova 1
MP1490 .A2 B28 Baroque dances and diversions 1
MP1490 .A2 B33 Bauern-, Tanz- und Strassenlieder in Deutschland um 1500 1
MP1490 .A2 B36 Die Bayerische Hofkapelle im 16. Jahrhundert The Bavarian court orchestra in the 16th century. 1
MP1490 .A2 C37 Carmina Burana 20 Lieder aus der Originalhandschrift um 1300 / 1
MP1490 .A2 .C38 Carols Altenglische Prozessionsgesänge des Mittelalters. 1
MP1490 .A2 C384 Ceremonial Tudor church music [the Elizabethan Chapel Royal] 1
MP1490 .A2 C4 Chapels of the princes (François I) 1
MP1490 .A2 C41 Chapels of the princes (François I) 1
MP1490 .A2 C49 Festmusik der Renaissance. [Sound recording] 1
MP1490 .A2 C56 Composers to the court of the Holy Roman Empire 1
MP1490 .A2 C57 A Concert for viols 1
MP1490 .A2 C6 Court and ceremonial music of the early 16th century 1
MP1490 .A2 D28 Tanzmusik der Renaissance 1
MP1490 .A2 D3 Danske middelalderviser. 1