Call Number (LC) Title Results
MP1500 .S88 M31 Mavra opera in one act. / 1
MP1500 .S88 R3 The rake's progress opera in three acts / 1
MP1500 .S88 R31 The rake's progress 1
MP1500 .S88 R6 Le rossignol 1
MP1500.S92 R68 Der Rosenkavalier [Komödie für Musik in drei Aufzügen / 1
MP1500 .S92 S8 Svätopluk hudobné dramá v troh dejstvách / 1
MP1500 .S94 G6 The gondoliers 1
MP1500 .S94 G61 The gondoliers 1
MP1500 .S94 G62 The gondoliers [by] Gilbert and Sullivan Cox and Box [by] Burnand and Sullivan. [With complete dialogue] 1
MP1500 .S94 H52 H.M.S. Pinafore. 1
MP1500 .S94 H53 H.M.S. Pinafore 1
MP1500 .S94 H54 "H.M.S. Pinafore" 1
MP1500 .S94 I51 Iolanthe 1
MP1500 .S94 I52 Iolanthe 1
MP1500 .S94 M51 The Mikado 1
MP1500 .S94 M52 The Mikado. 1
MP1500 .S94 P3 Patience 1
MP1500 .S94 P31 Patience 1
MP1500 .S94 P32 Patience / 1
MP1500 .S94 P51 The pirates of Penzance 1