Call Number (LC) Title Results
MP1734 .B73 D4 German folk songs traditional / 1
MP1734 .F64 L3 Folk songs of old Germany 1
MP1734 .H3 10 teutsche Gesang 1
MP1734 .H3 L8 Lustgarten neuer teutscher Gesäng Balletti, Galliarden und Intraden, mit 4, 5, 6, und 8 Stimmen (Auswahl) / 1
MP1734 .J63 Jodeln und schuhplatteln yodling and schuhplattling chansons et danse tyroliennes. 1
MP1734 .T73 The Trapp Family Singers present Christmas and folk songs 1
MP1734 .W6 L5 9 [i.e.] Neun Lieder 1
MP1736 .G47 German Christmas songs 1
MP1738 .A46 The amorous muse 1
MP1738 .A54 The angry muse 1
MP1738 .B44 V6 Volksliedbearbeitungen Folk song arrangements. 1
MP1738 .B6 The Borders songs and dances of the English-Scottish border / 1
MP1738 .F65 Folk songs 1
MP1738 .F651 Folkways-Viking record of Folk ballads of the English-speaking world 1
MP1738 .F652 Folk songs 1
MP1738 .F66 Songs of the British Isles 1
MP1738 .F76 Frost & fire [a calendar of ceremonial folk songs] 1
MP1738 .I25 Ian Campbell Folk Group 1
MP1738 .J43 Jean Ritchie field trip 1
MP1738 .K45 F6 The folksongs of Britain 1