Call Number (LC) Title Results
MP1 .W3 1967 no.4 Warszawska jesień 1967 : muzyka polska = Automne de Varsovie : musique polonaise. 1
MP1 .Y45 Menuhin, an autobiography in music 1
MP2 .Ơ68 v.8  
MP2 .A43 C3 Las cantigas de Santa María medieval music and verse in the court of Alfonso X, el Sabio. 1
MP2 .A5 L'Anthologie sonore 1
MP2 .B22 F8 The future of Baroque music lecture-demonstration by Sol Babitz. 1
MP2 .B38 A8 Bavarian's courts and residences. 1
MP2 .B38 B3 Bavarian's [sic] courts and residences Bayreuth : [piano music of Richard Wagner, Hans von Bülow and Franz Liszt.] 1
MP2 .B38 M81 Bavarian's [i.e. Bavaria's] courts and residences Munich. 1
MP2 .B38 M82 Bavarian's courts and residences. 1
MP2 .B38 N8 Bavarian's courts and residences. 1
MP2 .B38 T4 Bavarian's courts and residences. 1
MP2 .C6 Collegium Musicum of Yale University, School of Music Vol. 1-[2] 1
MP2 .C76 L5 Listening to music / 1
MP2.D25 H5 vol. 1, pt. 1 Early medieval music. 1
MP2.D25 H5 vol. 1, pt. 2 Early medieval music. 1
MP2.D25 H5 vol. 1, pt. 3 Thirteenth-century polyphony Early medieval music. 1
MP2.D25 H5 vol. 2 Late medieval music 1
MP2.D25 H5 vol. 3 Early and late 15th century music 1
MP2.D25 H5 vol. 4 Late 15th-century and early 16th-century music 1