Call Number (LC) Title Results
MP1000 .A2 B374 Baroque trumpet anthology 1
MP1000 .A2 B375 Baroque trumpet music 1
MP1000 .A2 B38 Basic library of the world's greatest music [Vol.] 1. 1
MP1000 .A2 B4 Fifine at the fair 1
MP1000 .A2 B44 Beecham bon-bons 1
MP1000 .A2 B47 Bernstein conducts music of our time vol. 2. 1
MP1000 .A2 C36 Canadian music in the twentieth century 1
MP1000 .A2 C45 Jiang jun ling min yüe. 1
MP1000 .A2 C5 v.1 Romance in G major op. 26. 1
MP1000 .A2 C5 v.3 Classics from Norway 1
MP1000 .A2 C5 v.4 Classics from Norway [v.4] 1
MP1000 .A2 C52 Classical percussion by Arthur Press. 1
MP1000 .A2 C6 Excalibur op. 180 / 1
MP1000 .A2 C64 [Symphonies and concerto] 1
MP1000 .A2 C65 Concerto under the stars 1
MP1000 .A2 C8 Curtain up! American dance favorites 1
MP1000 .A2 D3 Dances for orchestra 1
MP1000 .A2 E3 East of Suez 1
MP1000 .A2 E5 Encore favorite orchestral dances. 1
MP1000 .A2 F3 Favorite dances and marches 1