Call Number (LC) Title Results
MS 295 Eugene Richardson printing ephemera collection, 1
MS 296 Henry Fairlie papers, 1
MS 303 Bruce Campbell Dalton Trumbo Ephemera Collection, 1
MS 305 Diarios. 1
MS 311 Leo Miller Papers, 1
MS 336 Shirley Jackson papers (MS 336), 1
MS 342 Postcard Collection, 1
MS 346 Ramón Hernández papers, 1
MS 359 Fuchs-Auspitz Collection of Austrian Broadsides, 1
MS 370 John Wrenn papers, 1
MS 395 [Lady presenting banner to Crusader knight before a castle gate] 1
MS 407 Sir Henry Griffith letters, 1
MS 412 Leaf from the Book of Hours with Saint Margaret and the dragon and Saint Catherine and her wheel. 1
MS 413 Leaf of the Book of Aggeus from Latin Bible with illuminated dragon. 1
MS 414 Leaf from Quatuor evangelia Novi Testamenti : ex latino in hebraicum sermonem versa ab Ioanne Baptista Iona. 1
MS 415 Blacksmith's ledger leaf. 1
MS 416 Scrapbook of memorabilia from World War II / 1
MS 417 Printed leaf from first Latin translation of the Hebrew Mishnah. 1
MS 418 Printed leaf from Latin Bible of Prologue of Jerome, April 1495. 1
MS 419 Prayer book in manuscript, consisting of various Surras from the Koran and a number of noted prayers in arabic. 1