Call Number (LC) Title Results
MT233 .P76 1991 Accompanying skills for pianists / 1
MT235 Notes become music : a guidebook from the Viennese piano tradition / 2
MT235 .B77 2019 Master classes with Menahem Pressler / 2
MT235 .C55 The principles of expression in pianoforte playing. 1
MT235 .D53 Verstand und Gefühl ; intellektuelle und emotionelle Musik, Wesen und Grenzen ihrer Interpretation auf dem Klavier. 1
MT235.F55 D4 Denken und Spielen am Klavier : Notenschrift, Tastenbild, Fingerspiel / 1
MT235.K63 P5 1945 The piano student's gradus ad parnassum : presenting the interpretation and ornamentation of 16th and 17th century music / 1
MT235 .L27 Interpretation for the piano student. 1
MT235 .M16 The cadence, key to musical clarity : a simple and practical approach to clear phrasing. 1
MT235.M3 S8 Studies in phrasing : selected from the works of the best classic and romantic masters, principally with reference to forming a good cantibile delivery : with theoretic introductions and careful annotations. 1
MT235.M3 S8 1889 Studies in phrasing : selected from the works of the best classic and romantic masters, principally with reference to forming a good cantabile delivery : with theoretic introductions and careful annotations / 1
MT235 .N413 The art of piano playing / 1
MT235 .N413 1973 The art of piano playing / 1
MT235 .N413 1973r The art of piano playing / 1
MT235 .R53 2008 The piano teaching of Walter Hautzig, with 613 examples from Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, and Chopin / 1
MT235 .S54 Piano repertoire : a guide to interpretation and performance / 1
MT236 .D42 1977 Piano, guided sight-reading : a new approach to piano study / 2
MT236.D42 G8 Guided sight-reading : a new approach to piano study. 1
MT236.D8 D5 1954 Develop sight reading / 1
MT236.G26 T4 Teaching instrumental sight reading / 1