Call Number (LC) Title Results
MT252 .H15 The harpsichord manual : an introduction to the technic, ornamentation and performance practices / 1
MT252 .H19 The harpsichord : an introduction to technique, style, and the historical sources. 1
MT252 .H2 1958 Die Kunst des Cembalo-Spiels : nach den vorhandenen Quellen dargestellt und erläutert / 1
MT252 .H3 The harpsichord master : containing plain & easy instructions for learners on ye spinnet or harpsichord / 1
MT252 .K76 2004 Playing the harpsichord expressively : a practical and historical guide / 1
MT252.N37 P7 Il principio, or a regular introduction to playing on the harpsichord / 1
MT252 .N87 A plain & easy introduction to the harpsichord / 2
MT252 .N87 1986 A plain & easy introduction to the harpsichord / 1
MT252.P44 B3 2018 La Bambina al Cembalo / 1
MT252 .P52 Musicks hand-maid new lessons and instructions for the virginals or harpsychord. 2
MT252.R67 A67 1978 The Amsterdam harpsichord tutor / 1
MT252 .S24 Les principes du clavecin. 1
MT252.S25 B4 1974 Beiträge zu einer Anleitung Clavichord und Cembalo zu spielen / 1
MT252 .S2513 1984 Principles of the harpsichord / 1
MT252 .S4 1972 Playing the harpsichord. 1
MT252 .S4 1979 Playing the harpsichord / 2
MT252 .T76 1987 Technique and interpretation on the harpsichord and clavichord / 1
MT252 .V34 The harpsichord : a dialogue for beginners / 1
MT259 La didactica de los instrumentos de cuerda nuevos retos y desafios.
Teaching strings in today's classroom : a guide for group instruction /
MT259.A44 E87 2002 Essential elements 2000 for strings : a comprehensive string method. 1