Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
MT49 .D18 1875 | Dana's practical thorough base : [sic] (the art of playing church music) | 1 |
MT49 .G1713 | The practical harmonist at the harpsichord / | 1 |
MT49 .G45 1990 | The art of accompaniament [!] : opera XI / | 1 |
MT49 .H35 1990 | Continuo playing according to Handel : his figured bass exercises / | 1 |
MT49 .H4613 2012 | Johann David Heinichen's Gründliche Anweisung (1711) : comprehensive instruction on basso continuo with historical biographies / | 1 |
MT49 .I58 2006 | Partimento and continuo playing in theory and in practice / | 1 |
MT49.J668 I5 | Instructions in thorough base : being a new and easy method for learning to play church music upon the piano forte or organ / | 1 |
MT49.J668 I5 1844 | Instructions in thorough base : being a new and easy method for learning to play church music upon the piano forte or organ / | 1 |
MT49 .K295 1955 | Schule des Generalbass-Spiels : mit Auszügen aus den theoretischen Werken von Praetorius, Niedt, Telemann, Mattheson, Heinichen, J.S. und Ph.E. Bach, Quantz und Padre Mattei, und zahlreichen Beispielen aus der Literatur des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts / | 1 |
MT49 .K2952 | Thoroughbass method / | 1 |
MT49 .K35 | Vier und zwanzig Choraele mit acht verschiedenen Bässen über eine Melodie. | 1 |
MT49 .L3 1753a |
Méthode plus courte et plus facile que l'ancienne pour l'accompagnement du clavecin. Traité théorique et pratique de l'accompagnement du clavecin. |
2 |
MT49 .L6 1673a | Melothesia / | 1 |
MT49 .M4 1673a | Melothesia / | 1 |
MT49 .M95 | An essay on thoroughbass / | 1 |
MT49.N58 A7 2000 | L'art d'accompagner sur la basse continue : pour l'orgue et le clavecin / | 1 |
MT49 .N8 1987 | Continuo playing on the lute, archlute, and theorbo / | 1 |
MT49 .P28 | Thorough-bass made easy, or, Practical rules for finding & applying its various chords with little trouble; together with variety of examples in notes, shewing the manner of accompanying concertos, solos, songs, and recitatives / | 1 |
MT 49 .P28 17-- | Thorough-bass made easy, or, Practical rules for finding & applying its various chords with little trouble; together with variety of examples in notes, shewing the manner of accompanying concertos, solos, songs, and recitatives / | 1 |
MT49 .S26 2012 | The art of partimento : history, theory, and practice / | 1 |