Call Number (LC) Title Results
MT49 .S26 2012eb The art of partimento : history, theory, and practice / 1
MT49 .S387 1989 Marpurg's thoroughbass and composition handbook : a narrative translation and critical study / 1
MT49 .S42 1659a The division-violist, or, An introduction to the playing upon a ground / 1
MT49 .S42 1665aa The division-viol, or, The art of playing ex tempore upon a ground / 1
MT49 .S42 1667a The division-viol, or, The art of playing ex tempore upon a ground. 1
MT49 .S42 1667aa The division-viol, or, The art of playing ex tempore upon a ground / 1
MT49.S558 D5 1659a The division-violist, or, An introduction to the playing upon a ground / 1
MT49.T46 S56 2005 Singe-, Spiel- und Generalbassübungen : TWV 25:39-85 : für Singstimme & Tasteninstrument / 1
MT49 .T65 1971 Regole pratiche per accompagnare il basso continuo / 1
MT49 .T656 1971 Regole pratiche per accompagnare il basso continuo / 1
MT49 .T6713 2000 José de Torres's treatise of 1736 : general rules for accompanying on the organ, harpsichord, and the harp, by knowing only how to sing the part, or a bass in canto figurado / 1
MT49 .T91 1800a Anweisung zum Generalbassspielen. 2. verb. und verm Aufl. / 1
MT49 .W54 Figured bass accompaniment / 1
MT49.542 .S55 1667 Chelys, minuritionum artificio exornata, sive, Minuritiones ad basin, etiam ex tempore modulandi ratio in tres partes distributa = The division-viol, or, The art of playing ex tempore upon a ground, divided into three parts ... / 2
MT50 Musical techniques : frequencies and harmony /
A theory of harmony /
MT50.A22 L5 The listener's book on harmony / 1
MT50 .A37 2004 A player's guide to chords & harmony : music theory for real-world musicians / 2
MT50 .A441 1935 Applied harmony / 1
MT50 .A444 Harmony and voice leading / 2
MT50 .A444 1989 Harmony and voice leading / 1