Call Number (LC) Title Results
MT50 .A444 1989 Supp Workbook : harmony and voice leading / 1
MT50 .A444 2011 Harmony & voice leading / 2
MT50 .A444 2019 Harmony & voice leading / 1
MT50.B12 G2 Bach's harmonic progressions : (one thousand examples) / 1
MT50 .B13 1984 Victor Goldschmidts Harmonielehre der Kristalle / 1
MT50.B57 C5 Chords in action : for class and individual instruction in piano, theory, music education. 1
MT50 .B65 Harmonic technique in the rock idiom : the theory & practice of rock harmony / 1
MT50.B845 S5 Serial composition. 1
MT50 .B865 A system of harmony for teacher and pupil : with copious examples, practical exercises, questions and index.... / 1
MT50 .B93 Unfigured harmony : a short treatise on modulation, harmonization of melodies, unfigured basses, inner melodies, canons ad ground basses / 1
MT50 .B94 1943a A study of chord frequencies : based on the music of representative composers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / 1
MT50 .B97 2016 Concise introduction to tonal harmony / 1
MT50 .B981  
MT50 .B989 1992 Stylistic harmony : work book / 1
MT50.C285 S7 A study of twentieth-century harmony : a treatise and guide for the student-composer of to-day / 1
MT50 .C37 2002 Harmony book / 1
MT50 .C43 Harmony, a course of study / 1
MT50 .C432 1902 A key to Chadwick's Harmony / 1
MT50 .C435 1922 Harmony : a course of study / 1
MT50 .C4372 1970 Guide to the practical study of harmony / 1