Call Number (LC) Title Results
MT50.C449 L3 Language of harmony / 1
MT50 .C65 1984 Basic harmonic progressions : a self-instruction program / 1
MT50 .C736 2012 Audacious euphony : chromatic harmony and the triad's second nature /
Audacious euphony : chromaticism and the triad's second nature /
Audacious euphony : chromaticism and the consonant triad's second nature /
MT50.C93 J73 2013 J.S. Bach : 413 chorales analyzed : a study of the harmony of J.S. Bach / 1
MT50 .C994 Harmonic analysis : a course in the analysis of the chords and of the non-harmonic tones to be found in music, classic and modern / 1
MT50 .D193 Alfred Day's Treatise on harmony / 1
MT50.D3865 O9 The Oxford school harmony course. 1
MT50 .D45 Harmony : a workbook in fundamentals / 1
MT50 .D835 Traité d'harmonie théorique et pratique. 1
MT50 .E4 1927 Dur- und Moll-problem und Erweiterung der Tonalität 1
MT50 .E44 1962 Lehrbuch der Zwölftontechnik. 1
MT50 .E535 Elements of harmony / 1
MT50.F35 T4 Technique de la musique atonale. 1
MT50 F3913 2013 Jazz harmony : a didactic approach / 1
MT50 .F4113 2008 Traité complete de la théorie et de la pratique de l'harmonie (1844) = Complete treatise on the theory and practice of harmony / 1
MT50 .F415 1832a Metodo elementare e abbreviato di armonia e di accompagnamento : sequito da esercizi progresivi in tutti i tonil, mediante lo studio de' quali potranno gli amatori giungere prontamente ad accompagnare il basso numerato e la partizione / 1
MT50 .F54 The game of harmony. 1
MT50 .F68 Theory and techniques of twelve tone composition. 1
MT50 .F68 1936 A key to the exercises in Modern harmony in its theory and practice / 1
MT50 .F69 1936 Modern harmony in its theory and practice / 1